Monday 25 March 2013

Supervisor Meeting 25.03.13

Over the past week, I lost quite a bit of motivation for doing practical work. So all I've done in terms of maya work is to roughly block out the scene geometry but I've not gone as far as lighting or texturing or a colour pass.

Ryan and I discussed the project Aim as I felt it was a bit naff, or didn't quite illustrate what my project was about and he agreed. So I just need to reword it and remember that I'm using the game environment as a visual storytelling aid or device to help tell a story or convey a mood, and not as the primary narrative device. So the aim needs reworked.

Brought up a copy of a rough introduction and went through it with Ryan because I'd never really brought him any of my written work and I think that if I make a push to bring in a bit every week it'll ensure I'm keeping to the right path and actually motivate me to keep it up and not leave it all lounging in the back of my mind. So we went through that and isolated the parts which weren't really relevant and drew attention to the more important sections.

Next thing to do is to regain my motivation by perseverance and make a big push for practical work to show next week. Ryan wants to see the basics blocked out of the drug abuse scenario and an idea of the lighting / colour pass. So that'll be this weeks tasks.

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