Friday, 5 April 2013

05.04.13 - Blocking out the Drug Abuse scene

The idea behind this scene is to illustrate a sense of depression, hopelessness and poverty. The inhabitant has succumbed to substance abuse addiction and entered into a downward spiral.

I collected some more visual research of small bedsit flats which have fallen into disrepair or just generally exude the themes I'm trying to convey in my scene.  Some images are purely to gain an understanding of the typical layout of a bedsit and how much space / objects I should aim to work with in terms of general architecture, fixtures, furniture and space.

All of the above images have small, cramped enclosed spaces, which will help to convey the idea of poverty and give the scene a claustrophobic feel, hinting at the closed off state of mind of the character who would live here, suggesting they have little options available to them and are trapped in this drug abuse cycle.
I had already blocked out a VERY basic scene but after opening it again I really, really didn't like it so started over.

Above images show the rough layout of the bedsit flat. I opted for a sofabed rather than a proper double or single bed because I felt it would help to illustrate a theme of impoverishment and also quickly convey the lack of space and multiple functionality that the room must have as a result. The coffee table is pulled right over to the sofabed to suggest that this is where the character would spend all of his time, plonked in front of the tv. The kitchen area is based off the visual research into small bedsit kitchenette areas often found in small enclosed spaces. Decided to go for an old fashioned style of gas cooker as I felt this would again enhance the theme of poverty as nothing in the flat i high tech or particularly pretty to look at.

With the general layout and main frame of the flat laid out, I can now go back and add in more assets and think about lights and textures.

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