Wednesday 20 March 2013

State of Mind Scenario 2 - Drug Abuse

Came up with a mood board and a quick written idea of the room under my critical framework.

Images in the moodboard above illustrate a typical representation of a run down impoverished flat. The colours are all very neutral and dull, with mostly browns and creams. Materials and textures feature some stains such as smoke stains on the walls, making them appear yellowed. The main light source is always the window - which suggests that the owners of the flat do not have enough money to ensure regular electricity.

Bellow are the critical framework categories for this scenario


Colour : Muted
Lighting: Lighting coming in purely from windows (suggests no money for electricity)
Materials/Textures: Decaying, decrepit, dull and moth-eaten
Space: Not a lot of it (suggests trapped in poverty)
*Sound (No sound will be in final environments)
Framing: main points of interest (fold out bed and debris and small hob) framed in light
Geography: Outside covered by curtains/boarded up with splits for light to come in.
Architecture: Small, boxy room, rectangular.


Player Created Space: Not a lot of room to move about in,
Scenes, Events and Vignettes: A lot of drug stuff? Skins, weed, joints, pipes. homemade "bucket"


Artifacts: Piled up dishes, blankets, joints, grinders, crip packets (big bags - munchies) choclate/sweetie wrappers
Decals: Scabby paint, stains on carpets, bedsheets, burns on sofa/futon
Effects: permentant "smokey-fog" effect
Posters and Graffiti: Boards on a window? Graffiti on the walls to suggest it was broken into


Beacon: Light from outside shining on the table where all the drugs etc are.
Signpost: Lightstream from window shining in through cracks in the boards/curtains falling on the points of interest - the futon and druggie table
Trail: Wrappers and artifacts leading from the table across the futon bed.

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