Monday 18 March 2013

Supervisor Meeting 18.03.13

In this weeks meeting, we discussed the feedback I got from the Crit presentation session in more detail. Ryan again said that he was much happier with the direction I was taking the project in and was relieved that it was all starting to come together.

Decided that producing 3 different "States of Mind" was a good number to go for, and had a brainstorm over what those stories and mental states could be. Came up with a few;

  • Alcoholism or Drug abuse - shows a range of emotions all contributing towards "Dependency" and "Paranoia".
  • A Soldier reintegrating into normal everyday life - "Schizo", "Paranoia" "Isolation"
  • Poverty - an impoverished person living in a run down neighbourhood, "Fear", "Desperation" "Hopelessness". Possible research for this would be going off and watching Harry Brown.
  • Spirituality - someone who's really into their crystals and spiritual self-help - "Hope", "Delusion"
  • Thought I should try and include a "nice" state of mind in there to contrast the much darker themes being flung about. so maybe a well to do, "Centered" individual who is content with life. A Just-married couple could be the driving story behind this. "Bliss"

So next up I'll have a think about which ones I want to take forward and compile some mood boards. I think the drug/alcohol abuse story would be a good one to go for as I've already watched and researched Requiem for A Dream which is a brilliant example of those themes.

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