Tuesday 5 February 2013

Supervisor Meeting

So I met up with Ryan on Friday and spoke about some of the issues I was having with my project, one of the main ones being that I wasn't actually sure where I was heading with the final piece of my project.

After a good discussion Ryan helped me narrow down what I could do with my final piece and I'm feeling much calmer about it all. We agreed on a few action points that I would complete as milestones before this Friday 8th Feb.

1) Work through a tutorial in the Advanced Texture and Lighting book Ryan lent me, and try out 3-4 different lighting setups and comment on what the lighting says in terms of the narrative effect.

2) Refine the Project Aim and decide whether or not to keep the characterisation element within the environment (as I had previously focused on showing character through the environment, but Ryan suggested that this was more to do with personification rather than environmental narrative.)

3) Have a go at further defining the Critical Framework by identifying the criteria for analysis in Environmental Narrative

We also had a discussion about what my final project piece could be and I'm currently playing with the idea of designing 4 different rooms, each intent on conveying a different mood/atmosphere, utilizing the techniques of narrative storytelling. This could involve experimenting with animated lighting, so I'm going to be looking for tutorials on that in the book and online.

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