Monday 25 February 2013

Supervisor Meeting 25.02.13

Met up with Ryan today and had a chat about work. To be honest I hadn't managed to make much progress since last week due to laptop problems but hopefully that's been resolved now. I had managed to watch Requiem for  A Dream but I hadn't made many notes on it's relevance to the project as I got too into it, so another watch may be needed!

Looked at the colour scripts from UP intro to see how effective the use of colour was in terms of conveying mood and atmosphere in a snapshot moment.

I told Ryan that I'd decided to keep Heavy Rain as one of my case studies because despite it being more of an interactive cinematic experience based on choice and consequence than a game which uses environmental narrative as effectively as Portal or Bioshock, I still felt it made good use of colour and contrained some of the influencing factors identified in my critical framework criteria. This is particularly true in relation to the comparison between Ethan's house in the beginning of the game and the one he inhabits throughout the rest of the story. The lizard trial room also reflects his current state of mind, so would be useful to examine with the framework in mind. I just have to make sure that I'm analysing it in terms of what I'm actually looking for in my project, and make sure it has the correct aspects.

The main action points for this week are;

Make sure I'm considering symbolism and deeper implicated emotions rather than looking at things at face value i.e Red indicates danger etc.

Ryan suggested I watch a film called What Dreams May Come which involves a heaven made out of paint, which sounds cool so I'll need to see if I can get hold of that, in addition to the other movies I've not managed to get hold of yet.

Ryan said he wants to see a practical response to all the research I've been doing, which is fair enough because I've kinda been neglecting the practical side in favour of reading more about the psychology behind the theories so I'll need to try and actually put those techniques and theories into practice and write about them.

Also need to have a bit more of a go at my dissertation because right now I'm looking at it in fear and only doing very very bitesize chunks as it's been overwhealming me. I think I'll start by bulking out my case studies in relation to my new critical framework and see where that gets me.

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