Wednesday 5 December 2012

Supervisor Meeting!

So Yesterday I had my first meeting with Ryan Locke, who'll be my honours project supervisor from here on in.
After chatting with him and going through my big book o' quotes, I realised I've been going off on a tangent a bit more than I meant to. I've been collecting information more relative to the changing forms of narrative and how it's affected by interactivity, rather than putting more focus on the environment side of things, which is what my project is meant to be all about....

Unfortunately this means quite a large chunk of the research I've done is now pretty much obsolete...

 but better to realise this now than next week, 2 days before submission :|

So I need to refocus and eliminate the references and quotes I've got which are less relevant and restructure my proposal.

Chatting to Dayna and Ryan helped me nail down a list of games, in addition to Heavy Rain and Bioshock, which are really powerful examples of environmental storytelling, so I'm going to get my head down and look into them more extensively.

Spider - Legend of Bryce Manor

Portal, 1 &2


Dear Esther

Shadow of the Colossus

Resident Evil 4 (totally not playing that, zombies are a no-go zone for me)

During the meeting, we spoke about symbolism and how it can mean very different things to different cultures or in different context. Looking at churches in particular, which are extremely powerful symbols and are often the foundation and nature of a story. In Resident Evil or Silent Hill, the church is a symbol of control and corruption, whereas in Final Fantasy 7, Aerith is laid down in the church under a beam of brilliant light, which is an entirely different symbol of something magnificent and poignant. With these idea in mind it might be useful to explore how symbols are used and interpreted with the context.

With all of this to consider, it's time to make a new to do list since the old one is pretty much complete/redundant. 

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