Wednesday 5 December 2012

Meeting with Dayna

On Monday I had a meeting with Dayna, who isn't my project supervisor but he's interested in interactivity and storytelling so he seemed like a good person to speak to! Also he saw me tweeting about my project and offered to meet up in uni and have chat about it. I had a meeting with Ryan (my supervisor  yesterday which I'll talk more about in another post.

Dayna pointed me to a whole load of GDC conference pdfs and presentations which will be massively helpful to me research, not just in the proposal but will form a good chunk of the foundation of my dissertation, so that was definitely worth while.

He brought up stuff like the secret rooms in Portal 2, how the player is rewarded with these little pieces of narrative for exploring the environment fully. He also suggested I look at Spider - The Legend of Bryce Manor from Tigerstyle games, so I'll need to give that a look in soon!

He also said that I can use PHD Dissertations as a reference which is something I wasn't sure if we were allowed to do, but this works out great because I found a really relevant doctorate dissertation online.

Dayna also suggested I look for some of Randy Smith's (Tigerstyle Games) written work as it would be helpful. He said I should find 2 to 3 people in the field who's views on environmental storytelling I agree with, and reference them.

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