Sunday 12 May 2013

Lighting the Nursery "After Death" Stage. State of mind/ Themes: "Grief stricken/Loss/Depression/"

In this stage, the nursery is shown after an event in which the child is miscarried or stillborn. The purpose of this scene is to illustrate how a room can change over time and how mostly the same geometry can be rearranged and lit to convey a completely different mood, story, and state of mind.

This is the original lighting. Floor is too reflective and causing a light bounce from the volume light in the center of the room which is keeping everything from being completely black.

Too bright and washed out now....

Toned down the brightness and updated the environment image plane shader. It's still too bright and doesn't really emanate grief at all. It might as well be representative of a family moving in to a new house.

Moved the teddy bear from teh crib to the rocking chair, to imply that there is no need for it to be in the crib as there is no child. Having his body slumped and head keeling back over the arm is to imitate an exhaustive posture and imply the psychological exhaustion the parents are feeling as they deal with the overwhelming grief and depression of loosing a child.

Darker room with soft shaders cast in a number of directions. The more shadows there are, the more oppressive the environment becomes, therefore I think it would be a good idea to have a few looming shadows going in some slightly different directions. The blinds have been drawn down here also, but having a bit of light from outside show around them would be an effective way at suggesting that even though it's daylight outside, the blinds have been drawn to shut out the light to represent that the parent's are shutting out the world in the grief-stricken state of mind.

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