Wednesday 8 May 2013

08.05.13 Jezza in the House/Flat (?)

Not entirely sure if I'll get away with this but it is highly relevant. Got a screencap of The Jeremy Kyle show as the texture for the TV screen. Everyone and their dog knows that Jeremy Kyle is a daytime show about folk who have ridiculously bizarre problems in their life and choose to go on national television in order to sort it out, sometimes with those all important DNA/Lie detector tests!

So in theory, this shows that the character who lives in this hovel in in during the daytime most days, which should tell the audience/player that they are unemployed and as such, impoverished due to their drug habit eating away all of their benefits. Shame. Yet to see if I'm actually allowed to use this texture seeing as its an image which is from a TV show, but I think as long as I reference it properly it should be alright.
In addition to that I think I've finally got the tv plastic material looking how I want it, thanks to spending hours changing the blinn material settings and adding a high res noise bump map and spending more time adjusting the values layered on to that.

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