Friday 3 May 2013

03.05.13 Revisiting the nursery scene.

So went back to one of the first scenes after making all this progress with my junkie flat to find it woefully lacking. I don't know what I thought I had done to this but whatever it was it's definately not up to the scratch I thought it was. 
This is a render of the first scene as it's being constructed, taking the room through the three stages of Construction, Completion, and the final scene which shows the nursery after the death/stillbirth of the child, to show the changes a room goes through over time as a reflection on the psychological state of the family.

These clearly need more work on them than I originally thought, and this late in the game it's proving to be a bit of a disaster since I've spent more of my time on the drug abuse scene than anything else.

Going to be trawling through and updating the texture maps to higher resolution files as the corresponding bump maps just aren't good enough. The "completed" stage needs more assets thrown into it, like a vase of summery flowers and some products at the baby changing station.

The "after death" scene needs to feel more emotive as right now there's just a few charity boxes scattered about and they don't really mean anything. I'm going to get stuck in and try and update this while carrying on with the textures for the drug abuse scene. At this rate I'm sitting with these four scenes and the Happy/Content scene is still just a mass of geometry, half mapped and with no textures and no real development for direction. I might have to make a judgement call and scrap that scene and just carry on with these ones. I think that if I can illustrate the theme of Happy/content/excitement/expectation in the first two nursery scenes then the Happy/Contented couple scene on it's own would be pretty redundant anyway. At this stage it's all about time management and prioritisingto make sure the scenes I have are conveying the correct themes and states of mind.

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