Monday 4 March 2013

Supervisor Meeting 04.03.13

Had so many setbacks this week what with my laptop hard drive failure and having to try and sort out getting it fixed, it's been stressful to say the least. As a result of that I tried to get on with what work I could in terms of case studies, dissertation intro and a tutorial but after speaking to Ryan I know that I really need to just get my head down and get as much practical work done as possible to show at Crit week presentations. I hadn't yet started work on my final project piece so at least I didn't lose anything there. This weeks tasks are all about preparing for crit week. I need to show how my project has developed and changed since then, and show my practical response to feedback so that means firing out a lot more practical development work that is relative to the project piece. If I can't get a lot of maya work done, Ryan said that I should be prepared to provide detailed information on exactly how it's going to progress. I need to pick up the pace and make up for lost time.

Essentially, don't go out this weekend, work in uni as much as possible to avoid distraction and speak to peers about my project and get there input which will help to frame and shape the project more.

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