Thursday 28 February 2013

Fog Attempt

Okay, so after reading up on the different lighting patterns and techniques used in games to provoke a specific emotional reaction from the audience, I had a go at creating a creepy graveyard scene using fog. A bit cliche yes, but I thought better to start with something that is easily recognised and identified with as a genre.

I found a tutorial on creating fog using fluid effects to create fog, without it being too taxing on the machine.

So I started off following a tutorial which involved assigning a 3D tecture to the fluid effect, which ends up controlling must of the fog. Initially it looked like this, pretty grainy and not too great.

So I fired in a point light on top of a candle to generate some more atmosphere. The fog was too low down and seemed to be absorbing the effect of the point light before it had a chance to light up the gravestone.

Changed the render settings Max Sampler to try and get rid of some of the grainyness of the fog.  I thought maybe including a directional light to simulate moonlight would help bring some more visibility to the scene.The point light still wasn't going a very long way to lighting up the grave stone so need to fiddle about with the decay rate settings and intensity.

Increased the intensity of the point light above the candle. Still too dark, I'm not sure if the fog fluid is mucking up the lights or something, but the point of this tutorial was to generate a fog effect and for a first attempt I'm pretty pleased with the turn out. Increasing the bias would make the fog thicker and create a different effect but for the purposes of this tutorial I wanted to see how fog could add a horror-esque feel to an environment. Will probably try and create a larger scene with dispersing or perhaps even animated fog next time.

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