Thursday 14 March 2013

Personal Development Portfolio - Plan.

Now that I have a firmer idea of what my project is actually going to entail (thanks to the critical framework) I've put a rough plan together for what I want to improve on for my Personal Development Portfolio skillset.

My first media tests involved trying to input characterisation into a room through the use of various environemntal narrative principles such as colour, lighting and actual props. These first tests show that I need to improve my lighting and texturing ability above all else, since lighting and textures (apart from colour) are probably the most important and influential principles which form the ground base for most other visual narrative techniques.

So throughout the year I'll be paying particular attention to improving these skills, doing some tutorials and such, and it should reflect in my final honours project piece.

List of skills to improve;

  • Lighting
    Natural Sunlight, Interior Lighting, Mood/Ambient Lighting.
  • Texturing
    Experimenting with different materials, shaders and textures (photoshop)
  • Modelling
    Improve my 3D modelling skills and general modelling workflow, try to speed up the practical process as I'm actually a bit slow when it comes to modelling and always seem to pick the longest, most difficult route to doing anything.

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