Saturday 16 March 2013

Crit Presentation

So we had our Crit week presentations on Thursday and I was really panicking about this one, more than the others. Purely because I'd had so many set backs the past couple of weeks which made me loose a lot of my motivation. However I ploughed through and did what I could to get the nursery room ready for the presentation so I could at least show what direction I was going for.

Hons pres4 lmcs_0901821_copy from mcsheff90
Above is my presentation, my notes can be downloaded at

Like I said, I was more worried about this presentation that any other one, purely because of everything that had gone wrong in the lead up to it. However, I got some really good feedback!

Ryan really liked the direction I was taking with it, he said the States of Mind idea was explored well and in a good place to take further and explore in different ways visually. He also said it was a big relief that I'd established this connection between the states of mind and the stories to drive them.

The only criticisms were that the lighting wasn't quite right in the scenes I'd showcased, but I already knew this and have said previously that these were not final renders but works in progress.

Final piece needs to be spoken about ASAP to determine what I'm actually making. Basically, it's all gonna be hard work from this point but the more I produce, the more I can crit.

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