Thursday 3 January 2013

Well it's been a while...

It's been longer than I'd like since my last update. This was due to project proposal madness. Finding out that the majority of my research wasn't as relevant as I thought was definitely a blow but it meant I still had some time to restructure. Now that's handed in and I just have to cross my fingers and hope that I've done everything right and expressed my project aims and research effectively without somehow managing to plagiarise someone else's work, which I'm petrified of.

I went back home for the holidays, which is another reason my posts have been stunted as my home is now an internetless void, which was a horrible Christmas surprise...

Anyway, onwards to some more work. My next post will be a compilation of game environment analysis and contrasting some of the techniques undertaken by the art teams involved in their creative approach to environmental storytelling.

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