Thursday 25 October 2012

Aims and Objectives

Trying to catch up with myself and translate all the work I've been doing in various notepads over to my blog to keep it all in one place...


My generalised research/project aim will go something like this;

To investigate to what extent a virtual environment can impact upon or create a narrative.

or maybe something like this;

To investigate how narrative theory can be applied to a game environment in order to tell a story.

Obviously that will evolve over the course of the project but I felt the need to get it down in order to keep my brain in check with what I'm actually doing..


General objectives will be something like this;

1) Examine and discuss Narrative Theory in relation to game environments and explore mis-en-scene.

2) Compare and contrast the use of narrative environments within games and conduct case studies to provide more insight.

3) Produce media tests designed to tell a specific story or depict a certain personality.

4) Design a 3D narrative environment and document the process.

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