Wednesday 7 November 2012

Room Concept Painting

I painted a concept of the main feature of Topher's room, his big multi-purpose desk with multiple monitors. Painted in photoshop. Colours look a bit muted and weird here, but in photoshop they look fine....Whenever I save out to JPEG or PNG it makes the image a lot darker. Couldn't figure out why...

I also came up with a few floor plans of the bedroom, looking at the key points of interest and how they could be arranged.

Found that this plan wouldn't actually be very effective because from the doorway entry point, the first thing visible is the couch and bed, which would immediately convey an idea of rest and relaxation, which is in fact contradictory to Topher's occupation and priorities.

Re-arranged the props and decided this plan would work better in 3D because the prop in the immediate line of sight of the door is the desk. This plan works off the basis of there being dedicated "zones". The front right area is the "work zone", where the desk and bookshelf with it's science journals are housed. The front left area houses the dresser which will be open to reveal sweatervests and convey Topher's nery/geeky side. The back area of the room is the "rest and recreation zone". It houses the bed, sofa and TV and due to the placement of fun/quirky video game merchandise on the left side of the bookshelf, blends into the work zone in an attempt to imply that Topher enjoys his work, he enjoys being in control of programming people as much as he enjoys playing his games.

An important fact I should mention is that I decided not to include any windows in the room design. This might seem really odd, but in Dollhouse, Topher expresses feelings of great anxiety whenever he has to go outside of the Dollhouse, and as the facility is underground and he spends so much time there, I thought that he would be far more comfortable in a room which doesn't have any immediate links to the outside world that he fears so much.

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