Sunday 11 November 2012

More prop ideas - Video game merch.

Looking into symbols and semiotics, I thought of some props which would help give a good insight into certain aspects of Topher's personality. Including the Xbox tells the player/viewer that he likes games, and that's all. It doesn't say what particular kind of games he likes and that in itself is a good indication of someone's personality because it's all about preference. Topher is a sci-fi fan and likes retro games, but he also likes to keep up to date with current technology, so including movie merch of a futuristic Tron Legacy Light Cycle model ornament/toy would be a good way to portray this preference. A well known symbol associated with nostalgic retro gaming is the Mario Mushroom head. So I think it would be a good idea to include this in the environment to symbolise retro games and indicate the fun and upbeat side of him. 

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