Wednesday, 17 April 2013

17.04.13 - Texturing the Druggie Bedsit

So hit a bit of a block with the Happy / Content couple scene and just couldn't even really deal with looking at it any more because it was just making me go askdasldjaskdljdskfjk, or in other words, "no."

So been UV mapping and texturing parts of the junkie flat scenario.
Here are a couple of screengrabs of what I've got so far.

Making dirty textures is actually surprisingly fun. I felt like a kit with a paintbrush just firing globs of paint everywhere. Then I realised I can't just do that because the stains and dirt on the surfaces have to look like they have gotten there progressively over time, and not just the result of the drug abuser going on a mad trip when he's out of it and throwing muck everywhere, though I guess using drugs could make you do that? I don't know, never had the experience myself and I really don't want to. I think going that far would be way beyond the boundaries of practice based research. So I started to think about how stains and spillages would get there in the first place, and think about what substances and objects would cause which sort of stains and patterns. Obvious ones like tea/coffee/juice stains and spillages were easy enough, and other things like little decals where food has spilled and dried in to the fabric due to it not being washed.
I also included a dirty blanket as the character's duvet, but after creating the mattress texture I found I liked this better and I think it stands out more amoung all the other browns and yellows of the sofa and the table, and looks better aesthetically. 

Started making some high res bump maps for the sofa, which is killing my maya scene when I put it on the high quality viewer, so I'm going to seperate everything with high res textures/bump/specular maps into different render layers so maya doesn't die when I attempt to move and rotate around my scene.

Also the mug in the above image is wayyy too shiny and reflective and this is because when I exported the cut as a .fbx with the blinn texture I set up, maya inexplicably changed this to a phong texture upon import into a new scene. I don't even know. So I went ahead and copied down the material settings for the cup so I could change it once it's imported into a new scene.

Obviously the lighting needs work, this is in no way the proper lighting for the scene, this is just so I can see how the various textures and maps are interacting with the light.

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